O love.
Before we sleep,
Let me speak.
I am as a child
You know me as that
Repeating and pleading for stories.
Now as a man
I savor these tales
drawing more sweetness from their honeycomb.
So let me tell,
please this once more
of our first meeting.
It was a bright and wet day,
like the one before.
I awoke with no particular Hollywood feeling
not knowing I was seeking anything.
But as the sun slanted to its end,
You entered my frame of sight, never to leave.
You were no vision of dinner party charm
No magazine cut-out
But that day brought the commencement of mystery
Even now my mind draws an "X"
Over the gravel spot and humid minute
when we first shook hands.
The days since
have brought the twisted abandonment of mirage
and the writing of our new map.
I give in to you
I submit to the counterpoint dance
of ease and friction.
Love, look at these eyes surrounding us.
They say:
"These are dangerous times,
hopeless days
With the world very much in want
Very much in need
Of simple healing."
Look at them, and the hope they invest and harvest in us.
Will you join me
To brandish our love as ourselves
To walk the best story we could tell,
To turn our private words
to a public good - not offered, not sold
but simply provided.
Now, before we slide into slumber
Allow me one more tale.
Last night I dreamt of you.
It was a room, with high walls and large windows
Dark, except for one disc of light.
So in that sphere we danced
Beyond mystery, drama and tragedy
as I held your curled fingers in my hand
That is all that this fool needs to know.
O love, I feel the fog of sleep on us.
See you again in the light.
Tomorrow, we keep building.
Good night.
Copyright © 2018 Poetry by Norman Rice - All Rights Reserved.